Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Take a Grace Break

I'll never completely understand many of the simple things of life. Llightbulbs and frisbee's are just two items I take for granted without grasping exactly how they work.

And my simple ways don't end here.

Why do I experience instant anger when someone honks and makes gestures? I automatically interpret these signs as judgments of my personal worth rather than indictments my driving skills. When the boss stops me in the hall and says, "Come see me in 5 minutes", my palms sweat and my mind races second-guessing the direction of the conversation. And then there are the times when something is bothering my wife. I can see it in her eyes and the way she responds to my attempts at conversation. I want to know what she's thinking (at least I think I want to know), but she's not forthcoming.

When things work the way they are supposed to, I almost never think about how they work; I take them for granted. But the moment life hands me an unexpected twist, I shift into what I call, "what-if" mode.

"What if the boss has bad news?" "What if my wife points out one of my faults?" "What if the lightbulb not working means I have a real problem with my electrical wiring?"

The number of "what-ifs" running through my mind is a direct indication of my need for a GraceBreak.

GraceBreak: "a purposeful pause to reflect on the following truths":
a) God is for me.
b) Nothing can separate me from His love.
c) He always looks out for me.
d) The word "surprise" is not a part of God's vocabulary.
e) He is always good
f) He is forever faithful
g) He loves me, regardless of what I think, do or choose.

Take a moment and read through this list again. Tell yourself that these things are true about you. And when you find your mind filling with "what-ifs", remind yourself to come back here for another GraceBreak.



1 comment:

Ryan Hukill said...

Trey, this is a great reminder of what we all should strive to live by. Is it easy? Heck NO! It's far easier to just second-guess ourselves, and forget about Him. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.